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Insurance for journalists: developed by journalists for journalists.

Working in association with the media organisations such as the IPI, ACOS Alliance, leading News Agencies and other media organisations our insurance schemes have been developed by journalists for journalists to ensure our policies are appropriate and affordable.

We’re also proud to work with paydesk, the leading global payment platform for media professionals – they include insurance with every job booked. Users can search, find and book the perfect freelance worker and know they are insured

Who do we Insure?

Our insurance schemes are designed for all members of the media including journalists, whether freelance or employed plus producers, photojournalists, stills photographers, camera crew, sound engineers and production staff at home and working on assignments all over the world.

We don’t just provide insurance for journalists.

We don’t just provide insurance for journalists, our insurance schemes are designed for all members of the media including production personnel and fixers.

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cheap Insurance for journalists traveling overseas