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Frequently Asked Questions

Insurance is a serious subject and in creating our specialist insurance for journalists scheme we worked with journalists, the IPI,  ACOS Alliance and others.  We aim to make an insurance for journalists policy as simple, effective and as inexpensive as possible so that all members of the media including journalists and freelancers can afford the insurance they need.

We’ve attempted to cover as many of the key questions below but if you don’t find the answer you need then just drop us a line.

Am I eligible to buy insurance from™ ?
You are eligible to buy insurance from™ if you are a journalist or member of the media sector such as a producer, sound engineer or similar; and you are aged at least 18 years.
What charges apply ?
We’re completely upfront about our charges and we work hard to make them as affordable as possible. A fixed $10 admin fee applies to each transaction. You can get a free quote or buy anytime online:
Check current prices here
When and where am I covered under my insurance from™ ?
You can buy a policy which will provide you with cover 24/7 for the number of weeks purchased, including while at work or at leisure. The insurance cover is restricted to countries within the Zone(s) you selected. One you have bought cover in a Zone you are covered in all the other countries in that Zone and lower Zones without additional cost. For example, if you selected the Extreme zone then you will be covered in all the countries in that Zone PLUS in all the other Zones being High, Medium and Low.
What insurance does my policy provide for me?
1) Accidental death<br /> 2) Permanent disablement<br /> 3) Medical expenses – from accident and sickness*<br /> 4) Medical evacuation from the point of an incident and repatriation home when necessary<br /> * All medical expanses claims have 250 deductible per claim in the currency you selected.</p> <p>A full copy of the terms and conditions of membership can be found here on our downloads page.
PDF Downloads
Does my insurance include cover for war and terrorism?
Yes, as long as you are not actively participating in war or terrorism.
What if I am not travelling to a hostile country? Do I still need insurance?
Typically more accidents happen at home or in your home country than abroad. Your policy provides valuable 24/7 insurance whilst at work or leisure in all the countries in the Zones you have selected.
Can I extend my policy or buy additional cover?
Policies are purchased on a weekly basis, from one week right up to one year. Once you have bought a policy it cannot be changed or cancelled. You can buy a new policy for additional weeks or in a higher rated zone at any time, even whilst on assignment.
Our insurance rates and zones
Can I extend my policy or buy additional cover?
Policies are purchased on a weekly basis, from one week right up to one year. Once you have bought a policy that cannot be changed. You can buy a new policies for additional weeks or or in a higher rated zone at any time, even whilst on assignment.
Our insurance rates and zones
Can I cancel or downgrade my policy
No, once you have bought a policy you cannot make any changes. We do not offer any return of premiums paid.
What if I don't see my country in the home country or destination list, can I still purchase a policy?
Yes, our insurance policies are available worldwide. If you are unsure about anything please email is at [email protected] .
Who are the Insurers?
Insurance for Journalists are administrators of this scheme which is insured by Atlas Life Insurance (PCC) Ltd.<br /> Atlas Life Insurance (PCC) Ltd are licensed and regulated by the Seychelles Financial Services Authority.<br /> Atlas Life Insurance (PCC) Ltd receive 100% reinsurance support for this scheme from Beazley, a member of the Lloyds of London market.
Is the maximum I can be insured for?
The maximum you can insure yourself for is restricted to no more than a multiple of 10* your income or 500,000 in the currency you select which ever is the lower.
Making a claim
How do I make a claim?
Making a claim should be as easy as buying a policy. The button below will take you to our online claims form<br /> For emergency claims at any time select the EMERGENCY/CLAIMS button in the main menu
Online, non urgent, claims form
Can I take out a policy when I’m already on an assignment?
No, policies must be taken out before clients head out on their assignment.
Can you insure to US journalists?
Yes, US journalists are eligible for our insurance poilcies
Is this a health insurance policy?
No, it's a personal accident insurance which includes insurance against sickness and accident medical expenses outside your home country in all the countries in the Zone you have selected including lower Zones subject to a $250 deductible claim. The amount of the benefit available is limited to amount of insurance you selected when you applied.
What medical expenses does my insurance policy cover?
Full details of the medical expenses covered by your insurance policy are set out in the policy terms and conditions email to you when you bought your policy. These can be viewed on our 'Downloads' page:
Downloadable PDF
Am I eligible for 'sickness and repatriation' in my own country?
No. You are covered for sickness and repatriation from all the countries in your chosen zone except your home country. The decision to repatriate you is decided by the doctor treating you in discussion with our emergency claims partner Intana
Am I covered by my insurance policy from™ if I participate in sports and activities?
Benefits are available for accidents that occur while participating in normal and reasonable sports and activities. A full definition of what is and isn't covered is detailed in the policy Terms and Conditions.
Are pre-existing conditions covered under my Insurance policy from™ ?
Yes, our policies do cover pre-existing conditions but only those for which you have not received treatment, medication or advice on for a period of 12 months before you take out the policy.
Does an insuranceforjournalists™ policy cover Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Yes, subject to the pre existing conditions clause.
What happens at the end of my insurance policy?
At the end of the period you selected your insurance will end. You can buy a new policy at any time including if you're on assignment.
Can I extend my insurance policy if my plans change and I need travel for longer, for additional trips or to different zones?
Once you have bought a policy you cannot make any changes to it. You can buy a new policy even if you are on assignment if you need additional weeks to be insured or if you are going to a country in a Zone that you are not currently covered in.
How do you determine which country belongs to which Zone?
In every city, region, state and country there are low and high risk areas and probably some people who live in these areas may think we are rating their country incorrectly.</p> <p>Insurance is all about the anticipated losses based on the statistics the insurer is working with, and based on the information our insurers have they have placed the counties in the zones. If the claims experience is better or worse than expected that may mean a country could be moved into another zone.</p> <p>If somebody buys a policy and the country they are travelling to is moved up a zone in the period of the policy the original policy remains the same.
View all our zones and rates
Do we offer insurance for luggage, camera equipment or personal items?
No, We only cover you not your personal affects.

Looking for PDF downloads?

You can download our brochures which cover our rates, KeyFacts, terms and conditions of membership all in PDF format for you to keep or share with colleagues. Don’t forget we can tailor cover to the needs of your group, organisation or federation.

Vew all our PDF downloads

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