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Many of the images on our site are by the Italian based Photo Journalist, Marco Aprile.

At we feel that his work really captures the drama of the  unfolding situation and the very real jeopardy that media professionals such as Marco face in the field.

You can discover more about Marco and his work on his website

About Marco Aprile:

I’m a photojournalist and a documentary photographer graduated with a BA in Political Sciences. Since 2000 I cover daily news events in northern Italy for various online media, journals and photo agencies. Some of my work have been pubblished on italian and international newspapers and magazines.

After having completed graduation in Political Science, in 2000, I started working as practicing journalist for several local newspapers, radios and web sites.

In the winter 2002, my first reportage ‘America Perdida: places outside of the normal tourist circuits in Latin America’ has been published by De Agostini editions, while a reportage on the parallelism between social conditions in a urban suburb between Argentina and Italy has been published on some local newspapers edited by Editions Edb of Milan.

In 2003 I became a full-time PhotoJournalist, focusing my job mainly on contemporary issues and current affairs.
